Final Fantasy 14: The Latest Eorzea Rescue Event Launch

Parts of Turkey and Syria were devastated by an earthquake last month, killing thousands and causing widespread damage. It could be one of the most damaging earthquakes in modern history. Many people have raised money and helped in this devastated area, and Final Fantasy 14 is no exception.

In Eorzea, there are many kind-hearted people who want to inspire others to donate to the victims. FFXIV Bards & Bands, a well-known promotional band and community group in Eorzea, organized a special charity event, Eorzea Rescue, for the victims.

The event will be held as scheduled at European and North American Data Centers. With 30 bands already signed, the event promises to be one of the biggest in-game music events to date.

Players can take part in this event in any way, whether they want to donate. Even players who can spread the word and show support for the event are very welcome.

You can also follow the latest progress of this event on Discord if you want. At the same time, they will also announce the details on their Partake page. We will conduct this charity event through Tiltify, and they will donate all proceeds to Doctors Without Borders.

Launch Of Eorzea Rescue Campaign

The charity event was originally started by U’whalon Sthah of Cashalations band. U’whalon also said that it was because of their good friend Rese in Turkey that they also paid close attention to this charity event.

U’whalon stated that he was talking to Rese in-game when the earthquake happened. When Rese first mentioned the earthquake to him, U’whalon was terrified, however, U’whalon didn’t believe that the earthquake would be as bad as it turned out to be.

Bard Charity Concerts for Turkey and Syria

Fortunately, Rese was far from the center of the epicenter and was not injured. But it was still a horrible experience. U’whalon was in touch with Rese all night. U’whalon wanted to know the actual news of the earthquake from people who actually experienced the disaster, not from a third party.

“I want to know some ways to help them. I thought of using the band to hold some charity events or even concerts to raise funds, like Live Aid. I contacted two bands on the server. One of them is Fus, and I told them in detail why I did this event. Originally, I just wanted to hold a small charity concert to provide some help to the victims of this disaster. But as you can see, now it I am very pleased with the fact that the scale is getting bigger and more people want to join,” U’whalon explained.

The Composition Of Eorzea Rescue Event

U’whalon started planning the event with the help of FFXIV Bards & Bards founder Sam Skyfall and some veteran members of the gaming community. Community manager Kiwi said it started off as a simple charity concert like previous events. They randomly selected a server, and some bands appeared every two weeks. Bards used the competition method to please passers-by and raise money for charity.

The team spent several weeks planning the event. At the beginning, we wanted to hold it as soon as possible, but with more and more people joining and different ideas about this event, Eorzea Rescue has also become a game music festival on a historic scale.

FFXIV bards throw Live Aid gig to raise funds for earthquake relief

With the joint efforts of the team, Flash Mob event will be renamed and try an easy-to-understand concept for players to easily identify. With the help of FFXIV Bards & Bands photographer Rey Ornitier, he created unique concepts for each band, like Similars Scrubs.

Kiwi encourages all players to take part in this event in any way. You can wear specific uniforms in the game and take part in events. It would be great to add the hashtag #EorzeaRescue, which will help spread the word about this event.

Other Benefit Concerts By FFXIV Bards & Bands

As the initiator of this event, U’whalon is very grateful to those who helped or taken part.

U’whalon said, “Without everyone’s joint efforts, this event would have been difficult to carry out on such a large scale as it is today. Actually, I was very new to the gaming community at the beginning, so I had brief contact. I am very grateful to Fus And Sam inspired other community members to get involved, and that was the starting point for this event to take off quickly.”

Besides playing, they also distributed yellow and blue dye to different audiences, so that different audiences can get to know each other and improve the atmosphere of the entire event.

Don’t forget to take part in Eorzea Rescue event this weekend. If you want, you can also help this charity event by getting enough FF14 Gil, or spreading relevant information. Looking forward to your participation.

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