What New Content Has The Recent Update Brought To Lords Of The Fallen?

Here, I want to talk about the new content of Lords of the Fallen. All the latest patches have brought some nice QOL features, and some tasks are now fixed.

Most importantly, the multiplayer experience has been greatly improved. For example, Vestiges menu now offers new options such as Co-op Partner Indicators to better interact with players and farm Lords of the Fallen Vigor together. The game is definitely in better shape now.

So today let’s take a look at the patch notes and discuss what it has accomplished and what I think still needs to be done. Here I’m going to highlight what I consider being the weakest part of the game - multiplayer.

I think these will be helpful to everyone: those who own the game will be up to date, and for those who are still on the fence, hopefully it will help you make your decision.

What New Content Has The Recent Update Brought To Lords Of The Fallen?


I want to start with the overall performance of the game. Some of you remember it wasn’t very good when it was released. I think it’s safe to say that most of the performance issues have now been resolved. Currently, the game runs fine at Ultra settings at 1080p.

There are two realms in the game: realm of the living and realm of the dead, and you can switch between them almost anytime, anywhere. So, performance in Umbral - the world of the dead was always a little wonky, but it feels like that’s no longer an issue in most cases.

I tried spending some extra time in Umbral, waiting for the timer to go off. Now it’s very smooth even when dealing with hordes of enemies. Unfortunately, this absolutely diabolical VHS-like filter still exists.

That being said, the overall performance of the game still depends on the region. So you may still experience some slight fluctuations in certain areas, such as Bramis Castle.

One of the most annoying things when it comes to performance is autosave stuttering, especially in late game areas and after playing for over three hours at a time. Just like any other souls like game, each character has a save file which is overwritten every time you reach an area or defeat a boss.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with your total play time on a character or the amount of stuff you hoard or the area itself, but it looks like that’s been fixed now.

I tested it with two characters: one was NG+2, and the other was a newbie who was playing through the game for the first time and was about to defeat the last boss, Adyr. I’ve been playing with each character for about 3 hours now and it looks like the issue has gone away now, but please let me know how it goes for you.

Lords of the Fallen: How to Fix Performance Issues?

New Features

Before we move on to the most important topic - multiplayer, we have listed some other changes here. These changes, while less significant, are still very welcome.

Most bosses will be stronger compared to previous patches. For example, their attacks are stronger and they can deal with more damage. Now some of them, such as Abbess Ursula, Judge Cleric, Lightreaper, and Sundered Monarch, have also received updates to their behavior, making them more in line with late-game challenges.

It’s also worth mentioning that Lightreaper Sword special move has now been fixed, and Vanguard Armor and some other sets no longer glitch.

Also, the issue of enemy health bars being visible from a distance in some areas has now been fixed. At least, I don’t see it anymore. It used to appear in Pieta fights. Sometimes you can see their health bar while fighting a boss.

Lords Of The Fallen: New Features In latest Update


There are some really pleasant changes and tweaks when it comes to multiplayer.

When playing the game in co-op mode, you can now see where your partners are. This is thanks to this little glowing indicator in the game. This is a very simple addition, but it helps a lot and makes a lot of sense. However, I would like transfer back to the host to be an optional feature.

Another pretty nice QOL change is the additional options on the Vestige menu. You can now leave a co-op session and kick players out of your session.

There are also fewer disconnections during PVP, as hacked players can no longer return to the main menu. Also, compromised players can no longer interact with vendors. If it does not start Ritual, Moth Wall that appears when it is invaded will automatically disappear after a certain period.

These are very welcome changes, but the core problem remains. We can say the multiplayer to be one of the most important features of any souls like game. It gives players a good reason to keep coming back and extends the overall longevity of the game.

Also Read: Lords Of The Fallen: How To Unlock The Glided Bucket Weapon?

I think even people who have little to no interest in playing these games cooperatively or doing PVP should be interested in the game’s souls like gameplay functioning properly. Because like I said, it allows players to play the game longer, which gives developers a reason to keep improving the game and updating the game.

But Lords of the Fallen’s multiplayer have been bogged down almost from day one, mostly due to ping issues. Each co-op session is very host dependent, and if your host is far away from you, you won’t be able to enjoy the game.

So you might see some tweaks and improvements, but it’s never going to improve unless they invest in dedicated servers.

Everything You Need To Know About Lords Of The Fallens Multiplayer Mode!


Overall, Lords of the Fallen is a good game and I’m glad it continues to be improved and updated. But sadly, it’s currently only playable alone unless you have a friend who lives nearby and has a good internet connection.

Regardless, there are more updates to come for Lords of the Fallen, with a roadmap filled with fun free content like new quests, new weapon animations, new spells, new armor sets, and more. Let us look forward to it bringing us extra surprises!

A lifelong video gaming enthusiast and editor with a strong passion for all things sci-fi. I enjoy everything from sports games to MOBA and MMORPGs.