Wotlk Classic: A Detailed Overview Of Phase 3’s Brand New Content

Today we’re covering what’s new in Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King, from new dungeons to new raid quests and opportunities to earn gold. Here, I’ll cover everything.

First, we’ll see a new dungeon called Trial of the Champion, which is the ultimate catchup dungeon. You can now get a new 200 item level gear from normal mode and 290 item level gear from heroic mode.

If you’re already an active Raider, you probably won’t be too excited to see this kit. But even as a full-time Ulduar Raider, I’m still interested in these trinkets. For example, Black Heart looks like a really interesting item for my Priest in PVP.

At the same time, Champion’s Seals will be dropped every time we kill the boss. And these Champion’s Seals will become more important in the third phase of Wrath of the Lich King. We’ll detail those Champion’s Seals later, but first you need to know that there will be new quests in Argent Tournament area. The new missions will cover the area north of this Argent Tournament.

For story's sake, there will be a new Black Knights questline patch if you haven’t completed that questline yet. I suggest players get started quickly. If players think this quest line is a waste of time, then the third stage may need to add some new rewards to attract players.

Unbelievable Changes Coming in WOTLK Phase 3

The new Argent Warhorse Mount is sure to grab the attention of many players. Also, I’m very interested in these new Argent Pony Bridles. If you attach it to your Argent Squire, you will be able to access the bank every four hours.

I’m definitely going to get an Argent Avenger so I can teleport back to ToC to get my GDKP. While we’re talking about new products, if you haven’t found your cheese recipe yet, you can’t forget about Jeeves. You can easily get it from that Library Guardian.

Storm peaks of cheese require several Repair Bots as well as some King’s Amber. And King’s Amber is one of many new Epic Gems newly added in Phase Three. There are many ways to get Epic Gems. The first way is PVP. As long as 10000, it can successfully exchange Otter to Epic Gems. Once your character is captain of each team, you can replenish your honor with Wintergrasp tokens, plus 2,000 bonus honor points.

The second way to get Epic Gems is from 20 Emblem of Heroism. I stock up on resources every day by doing daily Heroic Dungeon quests. You can also get epic gems from Alchemy transmute, but this method has a 20 hour cooldown.

My favorite way is still to get Epic Gems from prospect Titanium Ore. If you have known me before, you may have noticed that I have used countless Wotlk Classic Gold for prospect Titanium Ore. That’s because in the second phase of Wrath of the Lich King, I spend more time prospecting Titanium Ore than other items.

And not only can I use these Epic Gems and other players to exchange for more rare items, but I am also able to use these Epic Gems to make more Wotlk Classic Gold.

If you are interested in ways to earn money with Epic Gems in Phase 3, don’t forget to stay tuned. We’ve got a new Trial of the Crusader raid. This will be the most controversial raid level in Wrath of the Lich King. Many people will complain that the raid time is too short and there is no Trash.

how to earn gold

Anyway, a lot of people really like NPC Trash, especially Boomkin. While the raid isn’t long and doesn’t have all those powerful bosses, it have a lot of really delightful scenes and is technically impressive.

First off Trial of the Crusader raid has four different modes with 10, 25 and Heroic 10 and 25. Once one player clears the normal mode, 10 and 25 is considered the final battle team.

The main new mechanic in Heroic Mode is a Tribute Chest system. The fewer wipes, the more gear you’ll likely get in raids. If you have 50 wipes and you can somehow complete the dungeon with the remaining 50 attempts, then you can kill all the bosses.

Related: WotLK Classic Phase 3 Prep Guide: How I’m Dominating Trial Of The Crusader?

You will get a bonus cloak as a reward. If you survive all the way, you’ll also get a bonus mount for free. This raid also simplifies some very frustrating loot systems. For example, if you’re out of 10, you’ll get Trial of the Crusader raid trophy instead of the level shard. If you’re among 25, you’ll gain the status of Grand Conqueror.

Although just like the previous stage, you can also craft new crafting gear. But crafting a new outfit requires Crusader orbs and almost the same materials as in the last raid from ToC. It might surprise you to know that ToC isn’t the only raid this year. We’re also getting a new Nixie array, which will be the ultimate nostalgia raid for all these items.

If you play Warrior class. You’ll really start to dominate all the rookies in the arena. But if arenas aren’t your style of play, you can also try the new Isle of Conquest Battleground.

Although everyone has been talking about how short the game is. Each match only lasts about 10 minutes, and it seems like the rewards have to be changed to make it worthwhile.

But regardless, I’m still very excited about Phase 3. Hope you are as prepared as possible. You can also check out my Phase 3 preparation guide. It will cover exactly what you need to do to prepare as much as possible for Phase 3.

A lifelong video gaming enthusiast and editor with a strong passion for all things sci-fi. I enjoy everything from sports games to MOBA and MMORPGs.