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Changes In Season 2 QOL In The Latest Diablo 4 Developer Live Stream! - Multiplicative EXP & Uber Unique Farm
Read More »In a live developer update aired on October 4, we could see that Diablo 4 Season 2 will be bringing some huge quality of life changes across the board.
Such as better inventory management and multiplicative EXP rewards. And the mount will feel better and more responsive. What’s more important is that the player’s item abilities will progress in a more meaningful way depending on the situation.
The developers have tweaked the existing endgame progression by adding some content, and of course the mechanics of the new season. Overall, it is said that going from level 1 to level 100 will be 40% faster than in Season 1. Among them, resistance, damage buckets, unique item tweaks and class balance will be discussed in the campfire chat on October 10th.
Inventories & Stashes
First, I want to talk about inventory and stashes in the new season. We’re looking for a loot filter, but unfortunately we can’t seem to search by gear affixes. Loot filtering will focus more on rarity and item slots, with the ability to filter by Ancestral and Sacred.
They are no longer Diablo 4 item rewards or monster drop gems, but drop in the form of gem shards. We can craft gem fragments at the jeweler, thereby reducing the amount of bloat we have in our inventory.
You will no longer see Non-Sacred and Non-Ancestral common magic and rare items in higher World Tiers. Instead, they drop as crafting materials that you normally get by salvaging them. This will ultimately reduce the number of times we need a blacksmith so we can keep farming more efficient.
In Season 2, we do higher level Nightmare Dungeons and pick up trash items just to get more Crafting Materials. And our picking up useless rare items was a way to farm Diablo 4 Gold before, so we may need to find a new way to farm gold.
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We also see more stashes added to towns in key areas, vendor NPC locations improved, and occultists coming to Tree of Whispers. So our towns are becoming more efficient.
By the way, Renown completion will continue from season to season, but skipping the campaign will only unlock static 10 Waypoint locations.
Endgame Changes
In terms of endgame additions, the developer demonstrated Tree of Whispers and how the endgame content process works during the live broadcast.
New Bosses
Also, we see the addition of 5 new bosses. Echoes of Varshan are returning, and this boss will be located near Tree of Whispers.
Complete Nightmare Dungeons Tiers 21+ to get Beast of Ice. World Bosses and Legion Events will lead us to the new vampire seasonal boss, Lord Zeer. And Galvanic Saint will be obtained by completing Helltides.
Component items used to gain access to these new bosses will be tradable between players. Each boss will be a way to farm unique items, and each boss will have its own unique drop table. The biggest boss will be Uber Duriel, whose Uber Uniques drop rate will increase. Uber Uniques will be more common than before.
Improvements In QOL
We’re looking at huge quality of life improvements in the endgame. Depending on the level of the monster you’re fighting, the power of items on equipment will change within a narrower range. So now there’s a better reason to want to fight higher level monsters.
As you level up, trash items will appear less and less frequently. Useless equipment affixes will also appear less frequently at higher endgame levels.
We saw some Nightmare Dungeons targets removed, and even the layout was modified to reduce backtracking. For example, Lightning Storm affix now increases movement speed by 35% for 5 seconds. If used correctly, this might make it a S tier Sigil. We could also teleport directly into Nightmare Dungeons so we could avoid 2 loading screens.
Multiplied EXP Rewards
For the final endgame, we once again get significantly increased XP from Whispers and Helltides. Whispers will also stick to cached item slots. So we won’t see any random necklaces dropped from the launch cache anymore. Helltide chests are getting new icons to indicate the type of chest on the map.
Their gold rewards will also be greatly increased. This is said to help offset the cost of enchantment. We see an increase in the cost of initial enchantments, but lower scaling costs for subsequent enchantments.
Whispers and Helltides caches will provide better item powered gear. So we rarely felt like we’re doing endgame content and getting trash gear all the time.
New Season Mechanism
The new season’s mechanic will be vampire powers. From what I understand, we will be getting a new UI element called Sanguine Circle, which will be used to manage our vampire powers. Each vampire power has a Pact cost to activate. We will find Pact as a consumable, which we can then place on our armor.
We’ll use blood type currency to upgrade and unlock various vampire powers. There will be seasonal endgame content that allows us to remove or inject pact into armor for further customization.
Blood Harvest
Blood Harvest will be a new Helltide style event. Starting at level 1 gives us more reasons to enter Overworld. Eris will be our new Cormond, an NPC we follow in Season 2 questline. Zeer is our new seasonal bad guy and his lieutenants will be invading our dungeons. Zeer himself will be the new endgame boss, which we can access by completing World Bosses and Legion Events.
The above are all the highlights and quality of life changes that I know about this developer's live broadcast. Hope this helps. May your Diablo 4 Season 2 adventure be both challenging and fun!
New Features & Changes In Elder Scrolls Online Update 40!
Read More »Elder Scrolls Online is gearing up for a massive Update 40 patch packed with exciting new features and content. In a recent preview, the developers showed off what players can expect from this update, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
Here, I will take you to review the live preview of this update. Includes new Crafting Stations, Jewelry Crafting changes, improved Group Finder tools, the highly expected Endless Archive, and upcoming in-game events. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Release Date
First up, they will release ESO Update 40 base game patch on October 30th for PC/Mac and November 14th for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. In addition, PTS for Update 40 was launched on Monday, September 18th.
In addition to this Endless Archive PVE campaign, this update also introduces many new features and additional content. These are completely free for all existing ESO players, with no additional purchases required.
Grand Master Crafting Stations
Grand Master Crafting Stations, one of the long-awaited features of many old ESO players, was finally unveiled in the form of concept art during this live broadcast. These sites were created to solve the problem of limited furniture locations in Guild and Crafting Halls.
Previously, players were required to provide four Attunable Station Furnishings for each craftable set, including Clothing, Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Jewelry.
With GMC Stations, it solved this problem. Because each Crafting skill-line will have a unique GMC Stations. Players can import Attunable Stations into their GMC Stations. This way, players only need four GMC Stations instead of hundreds of Attunable Stations. As they enter more adjustable parameters, GMC Stations visually upgrade themselves.
Players can purchase GMC Stations with Rip Vouchers. This is also good news for Guild Masters, as they are now no longer limited by the number of available furniture slots.
Jewelry Crafting Rework
Initially, Jewelry Crafting was primarily designed for endgame players. In Update 40, the developers aim to make it more accessible to all players through rebalancing.
In this live preview program, we learned some changes in Jewelry Crafting. First, Grains are expunged from the system, and all Grains in players’ inventories will be converted to Ancient Grains. Next, they renamed Platings to Ancient Platings, but the nature of the items did not change.
We should note that the conversion ratio of Grains to Platings is 1:1. The conversion ratio between Platings and Ancient Platings is 1:10.
In addition, the developers have adjusted the cost of upgrading Jewelry to ESO Gold to be more in line with other Crafting skill-lines. For example, when all improvement perks are applied, eight Chromium Plating sessions will be required.
Finally, and most regrettably, Red Jewelry Crafting will be removed from the game.
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Improved Group Finder Tool
The most requested feature by the player community, the improved Group Finder tool, finally appears in Update 40.
The new tool allows players to create or join lists in various content categories, including custom content such as Trials, PVP, Zone Content or ERP. Players can apply to join these groups, and group leaders can accept invitations. We expect this change to reduce foot traffic at Craglorn, as many players have previously AFK here while looking for trial groups.
Endless Archive
Endless Archive is a systematic endless PVE Arena available to all ESO players who own the base game. Of course, it can also be done with a companion or friend.
The core content in this Update 40 is Endless Archive, which will provide players with a procedurally generated PVE arena experience.
It tasked players with entering Endless Archive and hunting down a powerful Daedra named Tho’at Replicanum. It will create chaos by spawning various monsters.
This Archive consists of Stages, Cycles and Arcs. Completing Stages and Cycles will open a boss battle and reward you with a unique class set item.
There are over 60 different bosses in Endless Archive from different aspects of the game, including story bosses, public dungeon champions, world bosses and more.
Also, you can choose buffs and bonuses called Verses and Visions here to enhance your gameplay and enrich your gaming experience.
After winning in Endless Archive, players can earn Archive Fortunes. This is a unique currency. Players can use it to purchase furnishings, gold materials, taut deck fragments, account unlocks and curated or uncurated class sets.
Upcoming In-Game Events
Secrets of the Telvanni: This is a celebration that encourages players to take part in an Overland content of Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha. Completing event goals will earn your Event Goodies and Tickets.
Challenge Meter: When players complete specific tasks, a special daily event task challenge meter will populate. Reaching a certain level will reward players with rewards such as Ebony Scarab Pet, Nightmare’s Nest Body Markings, and Kelesan’Ruhn House.
Witches Festival: October’s Witches Festival will feature town decorations and traditional holiday celebrations.
Gates of Oblivion Event: This event will take place this November, and players can look forward to festivities related to Gates of Oblivion storyline.
New Life Festival: This year’s events concluded with this New Life Festival, once again bringing a joyful atmosphere to Tamriel.
Final Thoughts
Overall, they packed Update 40 with exciting changes and content, from the convenience of GMC Stations to the endless challenges of Endless Archive. With these new features and events, ESO players have a lot to look forward to in the coming months!
What Epic Changes Are Coming To Shadowmourne Questline In WOTLK Classic Phase 4?
Read More »It’s the adventure you’ve been waiting for. Frozen Halls dungeons are about to open. Lich King is also ready for an epic duel at Icecrown Citadel. It promises exceptional loot like Deathbringer’s Will and Oathbinder.
But,there is one weapon that stands out among the rest for its outstanding Power and Prestiges. We’re talking about Shadowmourne. It is also the best legend in WOTLK Classic, with the power of shatter.
But Blizzard has made some big news, changing every aspect of Shadowmourne questline. So we’re going to talk about all the big changes and how to get Shadowmourne as soon as possible.
Questline Prep
First, a very brief recap of how quest lines work. As a Warrior, Paladin, or Death Knight, you must first get a certain reputation through Ashen Verdict. You can then receive the introductory quest from Highlord Darion Mograine at this ICC entrance.
Then you also need to collect 25 Primordial Saronite. You also have to go out and get Light’s Vengeance from Dragonblight. This is also a key step to get Blood of a Dead God.
Each boss will only drop one Shadow’s Edge per week, which is an amazing 264 item level epic Axe. This can be really helpful as the raid progresses. You’ll then be sent back to ICC to infuse Shadow’s Edge by completing various tasks.
Among them, A Feast of Souls requires you to kill 50 trash mobs on your team. Then you need to look for three separate infusions with different team mechanics.
The first is Unholy Infusion, which requires you to win a battle with Professor Putricide. When your Abomination’s Might reaches 100%, Slime will be absorbed. You can then infuse your Shadow’s Edge with unholy power. This will give you a six-minute buff that must be activated when Putricide dies.
The second is Blood Infusion, where you must face Queen Lana’thel in combat and obey her Blood Mirror. Once Blade is awakened, you need to let Queen’s Frenzied Bloodthirst capture you and feed Blade three times to satisfy it, then let Queen die in disgrace.
The third Infusion is Frost. Shadow’s Edge is ready for the final infusion of power. The enemy’s mount, Sindragosa, must fall. But you’ll have to withstand four of her freezing breath attacks before she’s knocked down. Without her dragon, there is no barrier between you and Lich King.
Once you complete the infusion, you finally unlock the perk of looting Shadowfrost Shard. And you’ll need 50 Shards to complete more of Shadow’s quest lines. Then once you have 50 Shards, you get Shadowmourne.
Also Read: WOTLK Classic: How Hard Will Icecrown Citadel Raid Be in Phase 4?
Shadowfrost Shard Drop Rate
Shadowfrost Shard has a 25%-50% chance of being dropped by normal mode bosses. But in Heroic-mode, their drop rate is between 51%-99%. If you are a member of a normal mode guild. This means you can complete a Shadowmourne questline in Heroic-mode in 12-15 weeks.
First, you pick someone in your guild to complete more Shadow quest lines during the first week. Next, you collect 25 Primordial Saronite from all the different players. You then complete each step of the questline with a companion of your choice to ensure you unlock Shadowfrost Shard as quickly as possible.
But taking the time to complete questline also means you’re sacrificing any potential speedrunning opportunities in the first week. You’ll also lose a lot of heroic gear.
You may be worried about whether your chosen Shadowmourne player will complete his mission in time. You’ll prioritize cooldown stacking to keep your warriors alive.
This also means that by the time you finally have enough Serenade to craft gear, it’s already obsolete. After all, the only reward that had been planned around the quest line all week was a single Shadowfrost Shard.
New Changes
Therefore, changes happen this week, and they affect every aspect of Shadowmourne's questline.
The first change is that Shadowfrost Shard drop rate is now the same in Heroic-mode and normal mode. This makes sense. Because ICC is extremely difficult for most guilds.
The second change is that they now guarantee players will receive at least five Shadowfrost Shards each week. These drop from Saurfang, Lana’thel, Putricide, Sindragosa, and Lich King in both normal and Heroic-mode. This means that if you farm every week in normal mode, it won’t really take you more than 10 weeks to complete Shadowmourne's questline.
The third major change is that Primordial Saronite can now be obtained from an alternative source. Previously, the major way to get Primordial Saronite was through purchasing and crafting the new 264 item level Feet and Boots.
Especially in the first week, you will need at least 25 Primordial Saronite, which means you will have to spend at least tens of thousands of WOTLK Classic Gold on it. And Primordial Saronite’s price was so high that Blizzard had to step in.
Now players can get Primordial Saronite simply by running Titan Rune Dungeon. Primordial Saronite’s drop rate and pricing will now change. This means Saronite prices overall will be much lower than expected. This really made Shadowmourne a lot cheaper to make.
The fourth and perhaps biggest change is that you can now get Shadowfrost Shard without entering this Splintered Throne portion of the questline. This completely changes the way you play your first week. Because you no longer need to complete the quest line. Instead, you can focus on quickly boosting and farming like normal.
How To Get Shadowmourne Quickly?
Let’s take a look at the new best ways to get Shadowmourne.
The first step is starting the quest line, at which point you should prioritize completing raids with your guild. Whether it’s normal or Heroic-mode doesn’t really matter. Just keep Shadowfrost Shard for yourself now and complete the questline in two months.
Next, you should also prioritize world travel on all your alts to maximize the use of Defiler Scourge Stones for Primordial Saronite.
You can also collect Emblems of Frost on all your alts, including 10-man lockouts and 25-man lockouts, to maximize the value of Primordial Saronite. When you have 25 Primordial Saronite, don’t forget to complete the three Infusion missions.
Finally, collect the remaining Shadowfrost Shards and brandish your Shadowmourne with pride.
With these epic changes to Shadowmourne's questline, obtaining this legendary weapon becomes even easier. Whether you are a Warrior, Paladin, or Death Knight, follow this guide to embark on your journey. Shadowmourne is waiting for you, and now it’s within your reach. Good luck on your quest!
7 Major Features And Changes In WOW Dragonflight Patch 10.2! - Guardians Of The Dream
Read More »WOW Dragonflight 2023 Final Content Update Patch 10.2 has been proclaimed. The patch will bring a slew of recent changes, including new seasons and raid missions, and an area players have been wanting to access for years: Emerald Dream.
Patch 10.2, called Guardians of The Dream, will be the biggest content update since Embers of Neltharion update earlier this year. Here we’re going to cover the 7 principal features in WOW Dragonflight 10.2 Guardians of The Dream patch.
New Zone: Emerald Dream
First, we’ll be entering a brand new area in Dragonflight 10.2, Emerald Dream. This time, it will serve as a playable area in Guardians of The Dream. So we will have new campaign chapters to continue Dragonflight story.
Players will unite the forces of dragons and their allies to defend Emerald Dream from the evil Incarnate Fyrak and his Shadowflame army.
When we enter Emerald Dream, we have brand new Transmogs. We will have weapons like outdoor gear. Of course, these weapons will come from quests, rare items, public events, and things like public events.
There is a new public event in Emerald Dream called Super Bloom. Players need to protect ancient creatures and gain fantastic powers during the event.
This is just one of the other public events that Emerald Dream will be happening at certain times. Take part in these events and you will not only win great WOW Dragonflight Gold and loot but also can get new rare mounts.
In addition, in the new area, we will face a new world boss, Aurostor The Hibernating. There’s a ton of other stuff going on in Emerald Dream, we just don’t know all the details yet.
New Renown: Dream Wardens
We’ll also have a brand new Renown track, Dream Wardens. In Dream, our most important allies will be Dream Wardens.
This faction of Druids, Dryads, and Moonkin will be our main point of communication and progression in the new area. They will be the owners of Dragonflight’s latest Renown track.
Dream Wardens will be our connection to the area and will give us a new Renown track that will give us outstanding rewards. Note that this is a Renown track after level 20 and doesn’t appear to have any other changes to previous Renown rewards.
New Raid: Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope
Of course, in the new patch we have a brand new raid called Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope. The raid “Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope” will take place within Emerald Dream. Players will explore this Temple of Life in Emerald Dream.
This raid will have nine bosses, with Fyrakk being the ultimate boss of the instance. Players can expect Amirdrassil to launch on all difficulties. We need to stop Fyrakk’s plans before Fyrakk takes the power of Amirdrassil for himself.
Also, the developer revealed that Druids also got a new form from one boss in this raid. I believe this is the penultimate boss in Amirdrassil raid.
Excitingly, there will also be a new mount in this raid called Fire Owl. This is actually the first mount capable of dynamic flying dragon rides. While this may not seem like a customizable mount, it’s a mount that will take advantage of all your dragooning abilities.
New Mythic & Dungeon
Dragonflight Season 3 will introduce a new Mythic and Dungeon rotation. There are no repeated dungeons this season, and most of the selections are from past expansion packs. The eight dungeons for this season are:
- Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall
- Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise
- Waycrest Manor
- Atal’dazar
- Black Rook Hold
- Darkheart Thicket
- Everbloom
- Throne of the Tides
This season’s theme incorporates many of the major elements from Patch 10.2. Among them, Darkheart Thicket is the center of Druid lore, and Black Rook Hold is the chief center of Night Elven culture. And Everbloom is also associated with Emerald Dream’s naturalistic vibe.
PVP Updates
For PVP, in patch 10.2, there will be a new PVP game called Battleground Blitz Brawl. This brawl will bring a solo queue mode to the pre-existing Rated Battlegrounds.
As for other updates for PVP, we’re not entirely sure. But it has some new gear changes and things like that, but I’m not entirely sure about the specifics. But the biggest thing about this PVP update is that the new single-player rated battlegrounds are coming.
Dragonriding Updates
In this patch, Dragonriding will get another update. Including new glyphs, new Dragonriding abilities, and new races in Emerald Dream.
For Dragonriding ability, nothing much has changed. They’ll still have a new game around Emerald Dream. Of course, the same is true in the normal advanced reverse challenge mode.
In addition, WOW Dragonflight 10.2 will introduce two new Dragonriding mounts. One is Faerie Dragon mount awarded to players who complete all campaign chapters. The other is Fire Owl, a non-dragon mount that uses Dragonriding system.
Also Read: WoW Dragonflight: Here is Everything Coming in Patch 10.1.7 Fury Incarnate!
Continued Dragon Isles Stories
In the end, we’re going to get a lot of stories, obviously we’re going to have an Emerald Dream storyline. But the story of Dragon Isles also continues, as does the rest of this Dragon Isles.
We’ll also have a new definitive chapter on the level reforging questline. And Rathen and Viroth will continue their adventure, recruiting aid from other dragons. Especially Netherwing in Outland and Storm Dragons in Stormheim. So some very exciting story content is coming in patch 10.2.
That’s it for the seven key features and changes in WOW Dragonflight patch 10.2. There will be much more to look forward to in this patch. Let’s look forward to this WOW Dragonflight 10.2. See you next time.
Changes To PVP Damage Mechanics In Elden Ring Patch 1.10 - Nerfs & Buffs
Read More »Elden Ring patch 1.10 was released not long ago. Although it looks short, it actually has quite a lot of changes for PVP. Therefore, here I will introduce the weakening and changes in this patch for PVP.
PVP Damage Adjustment
Let’s start with PVP exclusive adjustments. They have increased poise damage for all weapons in the new patch. And the damage of certain spells and spells in PVP has also been increased. Here is the relevant damage data table so that we can compare poise damage in patch 1.09 and 1.10.
Overall, poise damage increases a lot, but there is no simple pattern of increase. However, aside from outliers like Daggers, you’ll find that the first attack of a weapon’s light attack chain tends to have a higher poise damage gain than subsequent attacks.
I’m guessing the devs did this to make it easier for certain weapons to combine to hit 2 after hitting 1, but not combining to hit 3 after hitting 2.
Thrusting Swords
For example, let’s look at Thrusting Swords. Two-Hand Thrusting Swords R1 do 140.4 damage. Even enemies with a full Bull-Goat Set equipped with Bull-Goat’s Talisman will be stunned if the enemy does not have Hyper Armor.
However, that doesn’t mean passive poise is useless right now. Because if you don’t have enough poise damage, you’ll be in trouble again on the second hit.
This change makes the active Hyper Armor stronger. Though Thrusting Swords isn’t even a weapon class with high poise damage. But it also makes a strong power combo with decent range and speed but not high poise damage deadlier.
Power Stance Spears & Straight Swords
Normal L1 attacks from Power Stance Spears deal 150 damage. Even if you were to replace this move with Hyper Armor, you’d still take a lot of damage and counter damage.
Power Stance Straight Swords is very strong, and it’s long because it’s involved. This setup now also deals over 150 damage. However, the two weapons can still be swapped without passive poise. Because they can’t hold the poise in most attacks and out speed you.
Hyper Armor
Technically, with Hyper Armor, you can move on to the next attack while enemies stagger. Only time will tell how this change in poise will play out.
As for Spells and Incantations, not all poise values change. And most of these changes don’t make much sense. As they appear to be changes made only to compensate for the addition of Hyper Armor.
Poise Changes
Next, patch 1.10 also adds poise when players attack with certain skills, spells and incantations, and weapon types that generate poise. They also added damage reduction to these actions. And those moves are the ones that give you Hyper Armor.
Luckily, I have a way to simplify how much Hyper Armor bonus is given. I’ll use this Two-Hand Hammers movement group as an example. You can see that there are 2 new entries: unk1 and Final Damage Rate.
Let’s first talk about unk1, a PVP-only Hyper Armor multiplier. What unk1 actually does is reduce poise damage from PVP sources by 50%. This means that Hyper Armor is double for all damage.
What’s more, reducing incoming poise damage also means that the higher your base poise, the more poise you get. The logic here is easy to understand. Because reducing incoming poise damage means you have twice the base poise in Hyper Armor frame.
Next, Final Damage Rate is the damage reduction given when you have Hyper Armor. In my Hammers example, 0.925 means you do 7.5% less damage.
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While Endure, Stamp and Reaper weapon classes have more poise damage resistance. While Endure and Stamp already have damage reduction due to their effects, these Hyper Armors don’t get the damage reduction benefit. There are also some weapon arts with Hyper Armor that don’t have a reduced buff for taking damage.
Of all weapon classes, only two Colossal Weapons classes have base Hyper Armor damage reduced by 17.5%. The rest of the weapon art entries here look like slow but powerful skills. So thematically and practically, I believe it’s very effective. Everything else gets 7.5% damage reduction, which includes all other weapon types, spells and incantations, and weapon arts.
Key Attack Angles Extended For PVP
Also, the critical attack angle for PVP has been extended. Critical angle increased from 120 to 135 degrees. You don’t actually have a longer Backstab distance, but you have an easier Backstab Fish. I’m sure any Backstab fan who’s done PVP after the patch can feel it.
Next, they also have Quickstep and Bloodhound’s Step in PVP. But their movement distance is still longer than dodge. Unlike the dodge roll, these two actions have a directional bias, meaning they have different frames depending on which direction you dodge.
Weakened Damage Reduction
Finally, the only change to the last PVP is that they reduced the damage reduction of some skills and consumables. This also means you’ll probably need to invest more Elden Ring Runes in this. Note that you can also get 5% off with the code “CSCCA” at
For weapon art changes, the only thing that changes is that Oath of Vengeance. It now has a 20% PVP damage reduction instead of 40%. Weaker barriers in PVP nerfed from 35% to 10%.
Also, Protection of the Erdtree currently grants you a 30% negation of all elemental damage, but also modifies it to 10% for PVP damage.
For bigger obstacles, it was nerfed from 60% to 20%. Especially against magic damage. Since the Intelligence build doesn’t really have much element selection, the nerf definitely makes sense.
As for Black Flame’s Protection, nothing has changed. I’m guessing it’s because it’s a little different from the other, bigger obstacles, and it also dents your health. As for consumables, they reduced these to 10% in PVP.
These are the changes to this PVP content I learned about in Elden Ring patch 1.10. Hope this description can help you to be more clear about the damage mechanism in the new patch. Anyway, see you in the game.
A Summary Of Recent Lost Ark Updates And Improvements On KR Server- New Contents & Class
Read More »For your comfortable Lost Ark experience, here I would like to introduce recent and future updates on KR servers. Because news and updates on KR server are always ahead. So I thought it would be helpful to share and preview some of this information on your Lost Ark journey.
Before starting this update instructions, you need to know that this update is based on a KR server. Therefore, only improvements and updates regarding KR are included here. It does not contain any global roadmap and latest updates.
Since this KR server is relatively ahead of the global server, some information can see the future trend of change. So, it’s more like a sneak peek at the updates and status of KR server right now, and a preview of some future structural updates for the global server. Therefore, you can use this as a reference for your Lost Ark trip.
Added Emoji Panel
First, the developer added an Emoji Panel to the interaction section. From now on, you don’t have to search everywhere for Emoji you want, or scroll through battle items presets to search for an Emoji. You can use "Alt + R" click to display that Emoji Panel for even faster interaction.
New Class - Soul Eater
They have released the new job Soul Eater on July 19, 2023. She is an Assassin, uses Scythe as a weapon, and has Dead and Reaper abilities. Since this class was released so soon, the class itself is still being researched. But I think I think her Class Engraving has entered the formalization stage.
To be honest, the whole thing about Soul Eater is pretty entertaining. She’s a new class, which means we still have a lot to test in the actual game.
Class Engraving
For her Class Engraving part, there have been more upgrades to Express Pass’ Engraving support in previous patches. For the 4x3 Engraving support of Express Pass in the previous patch, there is now 5x3 Engraving support.
Since this KR server has higher requirements for party participation or raids. So Lost Ark developers decided to expand Engraving for a better gaming experience.
New Avatar Packs
With summer on the horizon, new Avatar Packs are live on KR. Since the developer promises to provide skins for every player, try not to miss these packs if you play on KR server. Of course, if you missed it, you can also use Lost Ark Gold to get it.
Plus, this skin can be Dyed like any other. So if you are playing KR, try not to miss these gift packs if you are interested.
Raid Team
Another important change is that from now on, surrendering a squad leader in a raid will not change the squad size. It’s more like handing over the squad leader no longer changes the order of the raid squad.
I think it’s a delightful change. So from now on, you don’t have to be confused by rearranged queues anymore. You also don’t have to change your assigned position due to a change in team leadership.
Also, in the song category, you can now select an additional option from UI. More like a simplified version of the song UI.
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Structural Change
What follows is the main part of this update roll up. In the latest official stream, the developers promised some improvements to Lost Ark. This is more like a structural change scheduled or planned for this week. They will be making changes and adding more on Vertical progression and Dailies mechanic.
So in this category, if you’re actually playing on KR, you’ve been able to see some improvements and updates lately. As they promised in previous streams, some mechanical changes are coming this week.
Chaos Dungeons
In addition, many players reported that Chaos Dungeons have some problems. Things like enemies being too far away, Boss Gate being too annoying for support, and enemies being too spread out across the map.
Since this Lost Ark team is indeed aware of this, the developer also stated that they will adjust these issues in the next update. He mentioned this Chaos Dungeon’s mechanical issue during the actual official stream.
But I don’t think they will change the daily tasks. I mean they don’t change Chaos Dungeons every day. But they can be tweaked by changing play times, drops or rewards, and overall mechanics, such as enemies reacting from farther away.
Guardian Raids
Regardless, new improvements will be rolling out in new Guardian Raids. Of course, this is also the developer’s adjustment to the tasks in Guardian Raids. Because I think Guardian Raids’ daily quests are too heavy for current players.
But as the developer says, they are also aware of these problems. They will be discussed and patched on the same dates as Chaos Dungeons revisions.
Surprise Events
If you played the game in KR, you might find these clues easily in Surprise Event. From this incident, we can glimpse the development of Lost Ark. These include Guardian Raids. There are also new Surprise Quests in the event. Its rewards include some adorable Pets, Stronghold background music, and Lobby Wallpapers.
Extreme Valtan
Also, Extreme Valtan update is scheduled for August 2, 2023. Extreme Valtan contains two mods, accessible on 1580, 1620. Of course, it also lowers the rewards. We will not know the specific rewards until the official launch.
As the developer briefly explained in the livestream, this Extreme Valtan is more like an uncapped Hell Modes. So you can actually experience the full performance of the character.
The above is the whole content of the recent Lost Ark updates. I hope this is a little help for your Lost Ark journey. Finally, expect to see these new updates and improvements on global servers soon.
Inferno Staff Gets Buffed In Update 39 Elder Scrolls Online? - Week 4 PTS Patch Notes
Read More »In the latest ESO PTS patch notes, we've made various small changes to the new features of Free Update 39, which players will receive as part of the base game.
The new features in the upcoming Update 39 will be free to all players, ESO ZOS team took the time to polish and clean up many large and small features in the game, and also added some small new features and quality improvements. Update 39 will be released on PC/MAC on August 21st and on consoles on September 5th.
Week 4 PTS patch notes are here, and as usual there aren't too many changes. Week three is usually where we see the last of the majority of combat and balance tweaks, but we do have a couple of things here.
Oakensoul Interaction Change
First off fixed an issue where slotted passive effects that persisted through bar swap, such as Grim Focus, could benefit targets under the influence of ESO Oakensoul or Werewolf.
This was an interesting little interaction with some of those new buffs that persist on both bars, you could actually slot stuff on your back bar, like Bound Aegis for example, and benefit from that 8% max Magicka, while you were using Oakensoul on the other bar.
So this is a bit of a Nerf, but it does make sense.
Oakensoul's design is with the intent of limiting you to one bar. So allowing a skill on your back bar to still have an effect, I can understand why they're not allowing that, but it will still work as a back bar option on two bar builds.
Flame Staff Buff
The next change is to Inferno Staves. Let's do a quick recap of Inferno and Lightning Staves over the course of PTS. For week one, Inferno Staves we're going to add 500 flat damage to the first tick of each status effect that you deal damage with, and Lightning Staves we're going to add 12% to channeled and damage over time abilities. With the increased damage, we can get some ESO Gold faster.
In week three, they changed those up a bit Lightning Staves were given channeled and direct damage abilities instead of the damage over time, and Inferno Staves were given a 12% boost to damage over time, instead of the status effect damage.
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My Analysis About The Changes
One of my initial points of feedback over that was Lightning Staves were given a main damage type to improve, which is direct damage and then a more Niche damage type the channeled damage. While Inferno staves were only given a main damage type in the damage over time, so they have addressed that now with week four, they're adding 12% status effect damage as well to Inferno Staves. However there is one main problem with this and that is for most setups 90% or more of the status effect damage you are getting is coming from Burning, Poisoned and Bleeding, which was already boosted in last week's ESO version of this, since those three are dots.
You already had the 12% boost there, so really compared to last week's version you're only gaining 12% to the other five status effects over Charged, Concussed, Chilled, Diseased and Sundered and these don't really typically account for much of your total damage. So 12% to those, I don't think that's really going to make a noticeable difference over last week's version of Inferno Staves.
Now for Wardens, this could be interesting with their increased Chill damage since that procs so often 12% more to that sounds nice, but many Wardens are already running an Ice Staff not an inferno to benefit from their class passive that boosts damage when using an Ice Staff.
Then we have ESO Nightblades, who can get a fair amount of overcharge damage, but even that boosting by 12% in this example here, it's only adding about 270 DPS almost nothing, and Inferno Staves really isn't going to synergize well with Nightblade, anyways since they are mostly direct damage, and would do better with Daggers, Bow or a Lightning Staff.
What I think they should have done is add back on that flat status effect damage boost, if they're going to go this route instead of the 12% and that way the three main damaging status effects Burning, Poisoned and Bleeding would also see an additional bump from the week three to four changes.
Maybe not the 500 that was initially proposed, maybe that's a little too high with both of these bonuses here. But something that boosts the flat damage of the ticks instead of having it percent based. We are pretty late into ESO PTS at this point though, so we'll see if anything further can be adjusted with this.
That is it for the week 4 changes, you will think these are just my initial reactions, so it's always possible that I overlooked some usage.
Thanks for your reading!
Diablo 4 Season 1 Patch 1.1.0a Update Notes! - All Fixes & Nerfs
Read More »Welcome back to another update for Diablo 4. Diablo 4 is getting a series of updates to its Season 1 - Season of the Malignant. And a major patch 1.1.0a was released to prepare for the many changes to come.
This patch is 1.1.0a appears to be a general restriction on the powers of each class in Diablo 4. Right now, Barbarian with Whirlwind and Hammer of the Ancients is a community favorite. The same goes for Sorcerer using Devouring Blaze.
It now appears that Blizzard has indeed done a lot of Nerfing in these classes and builds. If you’ve been fighting hard just to win and take the lead in this game, the nerfs in this patch will disappoint you. Next, we will give you a detailed introduction to all the fixes and weakenings of this patch 1.1.0a.
Blizzard made some adjustments to all new unique items and Legendary Aspects. You can use them to enhance your character in Eternal and Seasonal Realms. We can get these unique Diablo 4 Items and Legendary Aspects by killing the bosses of World Tier 4 bosses. Of course, there are reward drops for killing monsters in any World Tier.
New Unique Items
There will be half a dozen unique items being put into this game. But Ahavarion Spear of Lycander has not been assigned to any category. This is an Uber Unique Staff in World Tier 4. After you kill an elite enemy with this Staff, you will get a random Shrine effect for 10 to 20 seconds.
Next, for our Barbarian, Azurewrath Unique Sword’s Lucky Hit gives your core skills a 20% chance to freeze enemies for three seconds and deal them 0.75 to 1.5 times cold damage.
Then there’s Druid’s Fleshrender, a unique One-Hand Mace. And it’s Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl skills will deal 0.5 to 1 times the damage to nearby poisoned enemies.
Lidless Wall of Necromancer is a unique shield. It triggered a Lucky Hit when you have an active Bone Storm hitting an enemy outside of Bone Storm. It has a whopping 5% to 25% chance to spawn an additional Bone Storm in their place. And each active sacrifice bonus increases the chance by 25 and increases the damage of Bone Storm.
Also Read: Diablo 4: Some New Insane Barbarian Changes In Season Of The Malignant
Eaglehorn is a unique bow for Rogue that has a strong piercing power, with a 30% to 80% chance of shooting arrows. Note that arrows will bounce off walls and scenery. Hitting an enemy from behind with a Penetrating Shot is said to make them vulnerable for three seconds.
Finally, the class that has changed the most in patch 1.1.0a is Sorcerer. Most people play Sorcerer with Oculus, which is a unique wand. You can get the effect of Teleport Enchantment for free with it. When you dodge using the Teleport Enchantment, it will take you to a random location.
New Legendary Aspects
For the newly added seven Legendary Aspects. First, Audacity Aspect is a utility aspect that can stun at least five melee enemies for two to four seconds, but this can only happen every 20 seconds. Craven Aspect is a movement aspect that increases your movement speed by 20% to 40% when you stay away from slow or chilled enemies.
Also, Barbarian has Ancestral Charge Aspect, and Druid has Subterranean Aspect. Necromancer has Gore Quills Aspect, Rogue has Pestilent Points Aspect, and Sorcerer has Searing Wands.
In terms of co-op play, they fixed some issues. Including the camera not working properly and players being far away in a local co-op. They also addressed issues with characters and character abilities. These will be in the patch notes, and I’ll cover them quickly.
They also fixed several issues in the dungeon where players could not get enough Animus to get through Hallowed Ossuary dungeon. There is also an issue where Bastion of Faith is sometimes impossible to complete.
Also notable is a fix for Blood Boil not spawning correctly in Kor Dragan Barracks. Finally, I noticed that they also fixed a noteworthy issue where Awakened Glyphstone would sometimes not spawn properly.
In terms of gameplay, the developers fixed an issue where Barbarian was not showing the number of enemies to defeat when challenging Masters Of Battle Quest. They also adjusted how long you can cast a War Cry.
For Druid, they fixed Earth skill and Pulverize skill, consuming two super buffs. They also fixed an issue where Pulverize buff worth enhancing wouldn’t remove itself when in town.
Also, minions of Necromancer will deactivate their Life Affixes when they are in town. There is also an additional bug fixed by Rogue. Twisting Blades doesn’t return immediately when he kills a Bloated Corpsefiend with an ability.
They fixed multiple cases where players could not unnaturally teleport when encountering a boss. Also, Diablo 4 Gold and XP rewards for killing monsters higher than the player’s level have been adjusted pre-season. They then lowered Malignant rate for playoffs to 1.5% per level, and the overall loot quality for Silent Chest has improved significantly.
These patches make huge tweaks to UI and all classes. Hopefully, this patch will bring more possibilities to our gameplay. We’ll see you in the game.
Elder Scrolls Online Update 39 Base Patch Notes! - Changed & Nerfed
Read More »Elder Scrolls Online developers held a live event on July 10th and previewed the upcoming Update 39 base game patch notes. During this livestream, the developers shared some of the new features, improvements, and tweaks in the patch.
Therefore, we will talk about the improvements and changes in this new patch here. Players who want to know how Update 39 will change your life in Tamriel must not miss it. This will cover everything you need to know about this livestream.
Damage To Monsters
First, let’s delve a little deeper into our damage output changes. Now, our damage effects on monsters will affect the proc damage. So now Relequen, Zaan and Pillar of Nirn and Burning status or Poisened status will be affected by Bahsei, Ansuul, Major and Minor Slayer.
Dragonknight Nerf
Additionally, Dragonknight’s burn damage has been slightly nerfed, with a damage loss but little change. Dragonknight is still cheaper to run than S-Class Necromancer Colossus and also has a longer Vulnerability duration.
Necromancer Buff
It’s a pretty baffling change, but sadly it makes Necromancer’s DPS much weaker. Because you can now take care of Major Vulnerability uptime yourself. But as Support Necromancer or Tank Necromancer, we only need Nazaray and Pillager’s Profit Set. So you have no reason to bring Necromancer to your team.
We can only hope ZoS reverts some nerfs to Blastbones, Siphoning, Archer, Execute Passive, DOT Passive, Boneyard, Boneyard Synergy, Orb. Necromancer set is pretty bad right now. I find it baffling that they didn’t even restore Execute Passive to what it was when Templar Beam was present.
Merciless Resolve & Bound Armaments Change
Nightblade’s Merciless Resolve and Bow proc both get a sizeable buff. This ability now relies entirely on passives. So you don’t have to spend more ESO Gold on this skill to activate it again. This is a pleasant quality of life boost and damage output buff for Nightblade.
Meanwhile, Sorcerer’s Bound Armaments have similar changes. But the skill was nerfed to the ground way back during Update 35. So even with this change, it still sucks.
We have very little damage penalty for pressing this ability on a normal Sorcerer setup, since it does less damage than Spam. I didn’t even talk about the fact that you need to remove the pet to insert it, because pointless.
Weapon Passive Changes
In addition, the passives of many weapons are changing, such as Bow Range Passive. Instead of dealing 12% damage to the targeted enemy with Bow skills, it will now deal 5% critical damage to all enemies within screen range. 6% crit if you stand far from the target. It makes Bow's skill stronger. Excitingly, Templar also gets a 5% damage boost on Beam.
Even though Fire Staff now has an increased Status Effects of 500 initial hit, it still doesn’t change the fact that it is weakened to the ground. It’s ridiculous that I tried it on a dummy and Fire Staff damage was so weak I couldn’t even notice the difference between the new passive and no passive.
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But Lightning Staff is properly enhanced. Your damage output, or damage over time, is now increased by 12%. And its mini Deadly Strike is also powerful, with a very large damage buff to Templar and Arcanist. Because it enhances skills like Biting Jabs, Jesus Beam, and Dragon Ball Beam.
But from my tests, it’s still weaker than Daggers. Penetrating Magic Passive can cause over 3k crit damage. But it still doesn’t work for Staff ability.
Tri Focus & Oakensoul Builds Nerf
Tri Focus has also undergone some changes. Its Fire Heavy Attack cooldown is now adjusted to 20 seconds. This means you now need to stock up on Fire Heavy Attack before pulling the boss.
Shock Staff Heavy Attack will only be allowed to players at the end, which is a huge nerf to Oakensoul build. This 2H passive skills have also been weakened, but only a little weaker than before. Dual Wield Passive skill is nerfed, Daggers lose 1% crit chance, but it’s still the best front bar weapons.
Maelstrom 2H Big Buff
Maelstrom 2H is getting a huge buff. When you cast Stampede, they buff all your 2H abilities like Wrecking Blow, Carve, Executioner Skill. It’s very powerful. I got almost 133k DPS on a Nightblade made by stacking 2H abilities.
Azureblight Buff & Nerf
Azureblight is getting a buff and now has a 0.5 second cooldown reduction per explosion. But correspondingly, you can already build the next explosion stack, and the explosion is stronger than before, so it should be better now.
But it has also weakened and can no longer crit. Since this kit pretty much gives you a crit line, it’s pretty bad as it stands.
Comparison for better understanding, I put 10 dummies in one place to create the best scene for Azureblight. But the weakest point in the game, Caltrops spoil it. I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but hopefully they will change that.
Pillager’s Profit Fix
Also, Pillager’s Profit is being fixed. It took 4 months, but now at least we can look forward to another raid.
That concludes the patch notes for ESO Update 39. Please let me know what you think of the patch and if you have any ideas to test.
WOW Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5 Fractures In Time Coming! - All The Changes You Want To Know
Read More »The next installment of WOW Dragonflight expansion patch 10.1.5 Fractures in Time will go live on July 11th, and there’s a lot to look forward to.
There’s a brand new Mega-Dungeon to explore and loot, a brand new Evoker class. There’s also new open world content with Time Rifts, as well as a Whelp Daycare questline and daily events. So, let’s review everything in WOW Dragonflight patch 10.1.5.
New Mega-Dungeon: Dawn Of The Infinite
First up is the new Mega-Dungeon, Dawn of the Infinite. Infinite Dragonflight has long pursued the rise of their leader, Murozond. But, for that to happen, Aspect of Bronze Dragonflight Nozdormu has to go mad.
That’s what Infinite Dragonflight is trying to achieve in this new Mega-Dungeon, and it’s what we’re trying to prevent. We need to straighten out the timeline and save Nozdormu from his so-called fate. And collect some really shiny loot along the way.
Dawn of the Infinite also drives Dragonflight’s story forward. Primal Incarnate of Earth Iridikron is scheming behind the scenes. But why is he joining forces with Infinite Dragonflight? And how does all of this affect Avatar’s plans for that Dragon Isles? Here’s another mystery we’ll have to unravel as we explore Mega-Dungeon.
Augmentation New Evoker Specialization
Dragonflight 10.1.5 patch is also the first time we’ve seen the new Specialization in a patch. Augmentation Evokers will focus on providing special rewards to your various allies.
There are general buffs. Such as multiple player key stats increased to increase damage throughput of your team members. There is also increased versatility in some allies. You can also reduce threat spawns so you can teleport to each other. It can even reduce the cooldown of an ally’s main offensive ability.
They also provide various approaches to crowd control. Also deal damage with impressive new spells like Eruption, Upheaval, and Breath of Eons.
Plus, there’s an optional Evokers-specific questline here. It answers some leftover questions from previous patches. And explains how the Evokers gained the ability to use more Black Dragonflight magic. And combine it with Bronze Dragonflight magic to power the new Augmentation Specialization.
New Public Event: Time Rifts
With the big move of Infinite Dragonflight, the timeline is all warped and Time Rifts start appearing all over Dragon Isles. These Time Rifts brought us new outdoor world content to explore.
To ensure our timeline remains stable, these Time Rifts need to be fixed. We need to fight off mysterious invaders from different versions of Azeroth and collect Temporal Essence. Then go into Time Rifts again and find out what’s causing these fragments.
The more Essences you collect, the better rewards you get. Many of the bosses within Time Rifts also have tons of shiny loot and WOW Dragonflight Gold for you to pursue.
Plus, taking part in Time Rifts events will earn you Paracausal Flakes as well. You can use these Flakes at different vendors and get rewards that match the themes of the different alternate timelines.
There are also some new Mounts, Transmogs, Battle Pets, and some new chase gear options waiting for you to collect. There are also some special New Paracausal Fragment Trinkets. They have powerful effects, and these ancient legendary weapon fragments will be very useful in future battles.
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Whelp Daycare New Quests And Daily Activities
There are also new questlines and daily activities available in Whelp Daycare. We packed Ruby Life Pools Dungeon with new Whelps, but too many to handle alone. So they need the expertise of Valdrakken Whelp Daycare.
You can help Whelp Daycare clean up the area, providing treats and materials for the habitat. You can take turns working with each Whelp to create a suitable lair for each Dragonflight.
We’ll also learn a little about each Dragonflight and its history. After helping each Whelp, you’ll unlock them as battle pets. You’ll also get new daily quests and various perks like Flight Stones, Pet Charms, and more.
Kalimdor Cup New Dragonriding Event
Dragonriding has received another major update. There is a new tournament coming up called Kalimdor Cup. During this event, you can find dragonriding races in most areas of Kalimdor.
Each track has standard, advanced and reverse options for you to test your dragonriding abilities. You also get a new currency, Riders of Azeroth Badges. You can trade these Badges to new vendors in Valdrakken to unlock new Dragonriding customization options and Dragonrider Transmog Set.
Warlock Updates New Race Options And Demon Customization
Finally, Warlock Class has received some major updates as well. First off, every race except Dracthyr can now play as Warlock Class. This gives us more class combinations to explore.
Warlock will also have new customization options for their Demon Pets. This way you can customize your Demon according to your own personal style.
A special Warlock questline will reward you with Grimoire for unlocking these options and changing your Demon’s appearance. Just visit a barbershop and you’ll have all the customization options unlocked there. It’s not just Warlock, though.
There’s a lot to look forward to here with class and talent changes, UI updates, tons of quality-of-life additions, and cross-realm trades. So even if your friends are playing on different servers in the same region as you. You can trade items and WOW Dragonflight Gold with them.
Plus, there are new in-game events, additions to the gear upgrade system, and a new questline in Eon’s Fringe area.
With so much content on the horizon, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in the next chapter of World of WarCraft Dragonflight. But that’s all in patch 10.1.5 Fractures in Time. Good luck and have fun.
Necromancer Changes In The New Diablo 4 Patch 1.0.3! - Huge Buffs & Fixes
Read More »I believe many players know that Blizzard released a new Diablo 4 Patch 1.0.3 on June 27. Importantly, Necromancer is full of amazing changes in the new patch.
Skill Improvement
First off, we can be thankful that the improved Blighted Corpse Explosion no longer blinds us completely. We can now see ground effects, enemies, corpses, and more. Not only is it great for us, but it’s also great for team play. So others are now more willing to team up with Necromancer as well.
Corpse Tendrils
Another hidden patch note is that Corpse Tendrils seem to work more consistently now. It’s always powerful, but often fails to draw some enemies, or doesn’t draw it far enough.
It will now be easier to group enemies, which will make managing advanced Nightmare Dungeons easier for many builds. They have buffed our basic abilities across the board, dealing more damage and giving more Essence.
They also made a significant improvement to Reap, so that it can provide corpses more frequently. It feels great if you use this to make sure you have corpses ready for Corpse Tendrils. Also, Diablo 4 servers are getting some much-needed damage improvements. While it still struggles to take damage from builds, it’s a nice boost.
Blood Lance
Supernatural Blood Lance got a huge buff in this patch. It will now guarantee to cast Overpower after every 7th cast, instead of reaching the 9th cast. But the higher your level, the shorter the casting cooldown. So I suggest that you can choose Diablo 4 Boosting Service to increase the level as soon as possible to achieve the purpose of fast casting.
Blood Lance is a weird ability, and for most of Diablo 4 it’s completely useless. Especially compared to Blood Surge, it feels like Blood Surge does the same thing, but its attack range is facing the whole screen.
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But before that buff, Blood Lance was a strong option for Overpower builds once you had enough Essence cost and attack speed. This is because it has a higher Overpower modifier. It impales the target and can give it a chance to split Aspect. You can apply the effect to all enemies around and deal more Overpower damage than Blood Surge.
Plus, with increased consistency for Corpse Tendrils, it will be easier than ever to spread Blood Lance against tightly grouped stacks. I’m not yet sure if I’m going to try it properly, but I expect Blood Lance will probably outpace Blood Surge in pushing Nightmare Dungeons’ Overpower builds. Because it provides higher burst damage for tough Elite Packs.
Bone Prison
Bone Prison’s Cooldown Reduction, that’s a delicate touch. But you may still want to reduce Lucky Hit or your gear to Cooldown Reduction to make better use of this ability. But those 2 extra seconds make the ability to feel more useful, anyway. The defense buff is also almost doubled, which is outstanding.
You can now fill your defenses fairly reliably with just Bone Prison. Corpse Tendrils in particular are grouped more tightly to accommodate as many enemies as possible in effect.
Iron Maiden
Necromancer’s Iron Maiden ability has been greatly enhanced. But I’m still skeptical that the skill will be of much use. It needs some stronger aspects or interactions to really deserve a place in your skill bar.
It’s good to have more Blood Orbs on Corpse Tendrils, especially if your build doesn’t use Vulnerable. Because you’re in an Overpower build, or you can get Vulnerable from another skill.
Bone Spike
Bone Spike is our Dismount attack, which has also been buffed. Although this doesn’t make a good deal of sense for most of our gameplay. Because minions will now always attack the target with Curse. Right now our Curse is AOE, so having them directly attack what you want doesn’t seem like a useful approach.
Overall, this seems like a positive change, and we’ll just have to see how much of an impact it really has over the next few days.
Kalan’s Edict
Kalan’s Edict has been greatly buffed. While throughput remains the same, the frequency of its activity will be much higher than ever. Overpower builds can be delighted by this massive Rathma’s Vigor buff. Because the guaranteed Overpower advantage every 12 seconds can go a long way.
If you’re used to having it around tier 13, you’ll need to adjust to notice when it hits tier 10. That way, you don’t waste more Diablo 4 Gold on the wrong ability or in situations like a single remaining normal creature.
Buffing our Thorns passive is nice, but it’s still largely a dead talent for Necromancer.
Aspect Improvements
Aspect of Bursting Bones isn’t something I’ve actually used before, and the tooltip damage is still horribly low. Maybe there’s something I don’t know. Of course, if you think this is a meaningful change and Aspect, you can also try to use this Aspect.
Also, Flesh-Rending Aspect got a huge buff, but it’s still a horrible aspect. Fastblood Aspect has just been greatly enhanced, which is very exciting to me.
Mechanism Improvement
For builds using Bone Storm, they already have enough Cooldown Reduction to achieve near-permanent uptime. So this Aspect seems more suitable for improving your Blood Wave and Army of the Dead.
With enough Lucky Hit, Cooldown Reduction, and Blood Orb Generation. We might even see almost permanently functioning buildings on Unyielding Commander’s Aspect. This allows near-immortal pets to attack with incredible speed.
Overall, these patch notes are significant for Necromancer players. The improvements to Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion visibility are already valuable changes. Even if our power doesn’t explode from them.
Updates And Improvements On Lost Ark KR Server! - Lailai Island, PVP Season And More
Read More »Here I would like to introduce some recent updates on Lost Ark KR server. Because many people are curious about KR server status. So, I thought it would be great to share some updates on Lost Ark journey. Come with me now. Here’s everything that’s going to cover this improvement.
One thing you need to know before you start, here is the roadmap and update on KR with or without any content or future roadmap for global servers. So it’s more like a preview of updates to KR servers and improvements that have been done or are coming on KR.
Because compared with the global server, KR server has the leading update volume. So, through this content, maybe you can preview or look forward to the future of global servers. Therefore, this new content can serve as a reference for your Lost Ark journey.
As you can see, we’ve seen no major or noticeable updates on KR for about a month. Maybe they’re busy with this week’s events right now, so I’ve been waiting.
Lailai Island
This new adventure island is called Lailai Island. As you can see in the name itself. This is a concept island of Punika, which includes the same competition content as Monte Island.
Lailai Island is a small tower defense game island. With this contest, not only can you store more Lost Ark Gold, but you can also earn rewards that might be useful in your Lost Ark journey. Of course, these rewards also include Island Tokens, decoration for your Stronghold, and toy item.
PVP Season
The new PVP and Proving Grounds Seasons have already started on June 7, 2023. This might be a bit late news as I’m not such a PVP player. So, if you really want to play Lost Ark on KR, be sure to check out Proving Grounds as well.
Lost Ark Summer Notice
Finally, for Lost Ark’s summer announcement, perhaps the most anticipated part for all KR players. We are really hungry for new updates or news right now.
In Lost Ark, you may find some new information about upcoming new classes and new Legion Raids. Since LOA ON always brings us exciting news about Lost Ark. So, I kind of look forward to it.
In addition, when LOA starts, it means that a new Pass Season is coming. That means new Hyper Express Seasons are coming too. In other words, it’s time to develop a new character.
Hyper Express Seasons will provide a ton of level-boosting material for your journey to Lost Ark. Also, it will instantly take you to a certain continent, such as South Vern, or Maybe Elgacia. In addition, LOA ON will bring you more useful things through coupons. So, if you play Lost Ark on KR. Now might be a good time to start.
Preview Upcoming Updates
In fact, this notification is quite recent. In this summer’s update, you may notice an update to the low-level section. More like a system improvement for lower-level characters. So some layers could be integrated or improved in this summer update.
Currently, Tier 2 gear section has been improved. As the gear level itself goes down, maybe it allows you to move to a continent. Of course, remaining Tier 2 gear on your character can now be swapped out for epic Tier 3 gear.
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No matter what your Honing Level is, it will naturally be replaced by a Level 3 gear set. But if you want to move to the upper layer or the upper continent, you need to complete the previous world or continent tasks before entering, otherwise you cannot enter.
Also, in Stronghold Farming and Crafting, Tier 1 and Tier 2 materials or elements are now integrated into one part. Therefore, it is now possible to remove tier 2 materials such as flavors or crafting recipes. In other words, most low-level crafting and recipes are now integrated and are no longer available on your crafting or life tabs.
Meanwhile, Tier 3 gear has also received another improvement. Tier 3 sections are now tuned to levels 1250 to 1490, reducing the burden of Honing Sessions on these sections, and Honing Levels are also more compressed.
Before this notice, in most Tier 3 sections, you needed to craft 20 to reach item level 1490. But in this notice, this adjustment will only require 15 pieces of equipment to reach the 1490 item level. This means you can reach the 1490 gear level much faster than previous versions.
Of course, I didn’t notice the material requirement on the update page. But I think it’s the most impressive update notification, relieving low level players of Honing Sessions.
Legion Raids gear crafting is now more consistent. For weapons, you now only need Covetous Wing, which is a material that drops from Vykas. And for the helmet, you just need to get Demonic Beast’s Bone dropped by Valtan.
Also, in Honing on Tier 3, all Harmony Leap Stones are now changed to Tier 1 Leap Stones. We can exchange again the previous Leap Stone through NPC. And they also unified Oreha Fusion Material into a part, which is a rare Oreha Fusion Material.
As you can see in the notification, the simple Oreha Fusion Material will not be used further. Also, they’re shrinking Shadespire Tower’s floor. The previous version had 50 floors, but as announced in the notice, they will patch it to 20 floors.
In addition, Sailing Coin and Keys will be divided into two parts. Each Coin and Keys has 5 sections to choose from. But now I don’t think we have to carry too many Coins and Keys in the summer patch.
Because now all Engravings can be opened upon reaching level 50. Most importantly, all Engravings now start at level 1 when you turn on Engravings feature. In other words, if you reach level 50, as long as you turn on Engravings function, you can fully use all Engravings starting from level 1. This means you no longer need to read those uncommon Engravings books.
All in all, the above is all the content of Lost Ark update on KR server this time. If you really want to play Lost Ark on KR, then you should definitely not miss this update note.